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General Trip Information
Updated Mon Feb 11, 2019
Trip Name West Potomac High School Music Department-New York, NY-03-31-2019
Client      Back to Client    ||    E-Mail
Sales Rep Brett Taylor     E-Mail Sales Rep.
Trip Class / Division CCIS     DST
Destination     OR    
Number of PAX Youth Adults Escorts DOF
Comps Single Dbl Trip Quad Quint Sext
Start Date: Time:
End Date: Time:
Contract Due Received
Deposit Due Received
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First Payment Due Received
Final PAX Due Received
Final Room List Due Received
Hotel Info Form Due Received
Balance Due Received
Contract Status Under Contract Canceled
Trip Notes
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Quote Price Sext   $     $ Quin $    $
FinalTier Quad   $    $   Tri $    $
Dbl    $    $   Sgl $    $
